This information is to be used as a guideline, please always check with your own Veterinarian.

12 week vaccination:

Book into your Vet asap it can take up to 4 weeks to get a vet appointment.


It is very important to not let your puppy jump off anything higher than 20 cm until puppy is 12 months old, this is to protect patella’s and health of puppy. Do not leave a puppy on the sofa or a bed puppy may try to follow you and jump off and damage their patella’s

Pet Transport

If puppy is being shipped to you he/she will arrive in a carrier, this carrier is good to keep to take your puppy to vet or travelling eg holidays.

Crate Training:

We want nothing more than for our dogs to feel safe, comfortable and happy, and this is precisely what crate training is intended for. Dogs should view their crate as their haven and own personal den – a place they will voluntarily go to get some rest.

We find that crate training as soon as possible, from about 8 weeks or so, is the best option for most puppies and their owners. Getting your puppy used to the crate early on helps settle them in to their new home quickly and efficiently; helping nervous puppies feel safe and also helping them with their toilet training.

We would suggest you have a crate set up ready for when you bring your puppy home. The crate should be big enough for them to grow into as an adult, but set-up slightly different whilst they are crate training.

It is important to start as you mean to go on and introduce your puppy to their crate as soon as you bring them home. Keep it open in their area during the day so they can go in and out at will. You want the puppy to see the crate as their den; their escape from the rest of the household when they need a rest. It’s important not to lock them inside for long periods of time – the crate should never be used for punishment either. The longest they will be inside the crate is probably at night time.

Make the inside of the crate as inviting as possible with a toy or two.

If they fall asleep at any point in the day, you could pop them in their bed inside the crate, to help reassure them that the crate is a safe, comfortable space just for them. Young puppies will get used to the crate really quite quickly if they are introduced to it in the first few weeks of puppyhood.

You may wish to put the crate next to your bed, or just outside your bedroom at night time, so that they are near you and you can keep a close eye on them at intervals throughout the night.

An example of crate training schedule:

6am  or as early as possible – Puppy will be very excited to see you and desperate for the toilet – take your puppy out first thing for a toilet break. Then provide playtime in and around the crate.

8am – After breakfast, take out another toilet break and walk around garden. Then take back to the crate for a little play and a nap (door open)

9.30am -Toilet training, then another little play. Another toilet break and encourage a nap in the crate.

12pm – Lunchtime with a toilet break and a little play. Another toilet break if needed and then encourage a nap in the crate.

2pm – Toilet break and playtime. Another toilet break and encourage another nap in the crate (door open)

5pm – Toilet break after dinner.

6pm – Toilet break. Playtime in and around the crate.

Bedtime – Put puppy in crate with food, water, heartbeat toy, puppy pad and dog bed. ( maybe in laundry) close the door.

Once he is in bed put a blanket over crate ( to make it dark ) and leave him until morning – do not pander to any crying this teaches him to make noise he gets attention.
And in the morning  wait until he is quiet  then let him out (toilet break and then food or food then toilet break) this teaches puppy being quiet he gets out of crate, cuddles and love.

Dogs definitely have the capability to be crate trained at an older age. Whether you’ve adopted an older dog or simply never got round to it when your dog was younger, you can still achieve the successful results of crate training. There are several benefits of going through this process with an older dog. These include:

  • Creating a personal safe space for your dog
  • Establishing a routine for them
  • Making transportation easier and more convenient
  • Creating a place they can go to calm down in situations they find to be uncomfortable or stressful.



When poodles are still puppies, their coats are very soft and wavy. Because of this, you will need to brush your poodle puppy at the least once a week, and bathe puppy at least monthly. This will prevent your puppy’s coat from getting matted. As your poodle gets older, you can scale back on the brushing to some degree since adult poodles tend to have curlier coats that don’t mat as easily. But during the puppy stage, brushing is of the utmost importance, I use Melanie Newman products for bathing, a great starter pack is:

Melanie Newman Puppy Value Pack

I always use a harness for walking except while showing, I use a harness to protect puppies throats. Repeated stress on the neck can even lead to long-term medical issues—including damaging the thyroid glands and tissues around the neck area and salivary glands, she says. A chest harness can be a safer alternative to neck collars that put a lot of strain on a dog’s neck, she adds.


Purchase chew toys from a petshop as they need to be durable, you do not want puppy to chew on a toy and end up with plastics ect in their stomach – buy quality toys and save on a trip to the Vet!

Various accessories: 

Medium Size Crate


Helpful informative web links:

Poodle Club Of Victoria Inc

About Toy Poodles -Dogs Victoria

Why Choose A Pure Bred – Dogs Victoria

Responsible Dog Ownership- Dogs Victoria